RPA and AI empowered Digital Transformation at CodeCamp

Artificial Intelligence, Automation, Robotics are enabling the 4th Industrial Revolution. Robotic Process Automation (RPA), a catalyst for AI adoption, plays a central role in this evolution, by empowering organizations to take their Digital Transformation to the next level.

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E-Residency in Estonia – Gateway to the European Union and Global Market

I applied to Estonia’s e-Residency program to get an early glimpse into the future of e-citizenship and e-society; I became a member in March 2016 and since then I’ve witnessed how the project evolved from a Foreign Direct Investment Innovation and Gateway to the European Market into a solution that empowers entrepreneurs from all countries to join the next global digitalization and e-commerce wave.

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Digital Transformation in Estonia

Estonia, the small country from Northern Europe, also known as The Baltic Tiger, is one of the most digitalized and innovative countries in the world, a recognized leader in Digitalization and a role model for other countries that want to pursue and implement large scale Digital Transformation strategies.

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Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship

I organized the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship conference together with 2 colleagues from UVT FEAA MSODSA. The event took place on the 15th of January 2016 at the recently inaugurated INCDEMC Renewable Energies Laboratory, in Timisoara, Romania. The mission of our project was to present to our audience all the steps involved in getting from a technical innovative idea to an actual competitive product for the market.

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